martedì 25 maggio 2010

Bhumibol Adulyadej – King of Thailand

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown” – so goes this age-old proverb. However, it is not just uneasiness in store for a monarch. Emperors globally have enjoyed and continue to enjoy luxurious lifestyles. Some even have 13 brides. The best levels of comfort that money can fetch are in store for the emperors globally. Be it the Sultan of Brunei or Queen Elizabeth, plush lifestyle is the mark of monarchy. There are currently 44 monarchies in the world and their combined royal wealth has shot up over US $10 trillion. One of the royal attractions is the palace of the King or the Queen. In this article, we will try to catch a glimpse of royal residences of some of the richest ruling monarchs in the world today along with a brief introduction about them.

King Bhumibol, the 80-year-old king of Thailand, is worth US$ 35 billion. He is the longest serving monarch in Thai history. He has benevolently used his royal wealth in over 3,000 rural development projects in the country. He has a world record in having the highest number of honorary university degrees (136). The royal palace in Bangkok was built in 1782. The palace consists of an aggregate of buildings on the east bank of the Chao Phraya River. The total area is 218,400 sq. m. The palace has a sacred Buddha temple. You have to follow a strict dress code to enter the royal palace (this is applicable for both men and women).

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